About Me

My name is Michelle.  I am a 34 year old mother, wife, daughter, and sister.  I am happily married to the love of my life, Beau.  We have been married for 5 years and we have four children (Alexis-11, Donovan-9, Bella-7, and Lily-4).  We have a his, hers, and ours family.  :-)

When I was younger, I was always skinny.  I could eat and eat, never exercise and I would never gain an ounce.  After my first pregnancy I started gaining weight, and it just never seemed to stop.  I would lose weight, gain weight.  Gain weight, lose weight.  But I could never get to where I wanted to be weight wise.

When Beau and I married, I weighed around 160 lbs.  Back then, I wasn't happy with that.  NOW, I would LOVE to weigh 160 lbs.  Of course him being a chef has absolutely nothing to do with my weight gain.  YES, I am blaming him.  lol  Beats the alternative of blaming myself.  Which I really do blame myself.  I let myself get this way, I have to take ownership and make myself healthy again.

I am not going to lie, I WANT to be skinny.  Most importantly I want to be healthy.  I want to be able to run and play with my kids and not be winded 2 minutes into it.

I am going to share my journey with you, in hopes that it will inspire you, make you laugh, hopefully not make you cry.  ;-)

Wish me luck on my journey!  Leave me comments, I would love to hear about you and your journey!  Or just hear about your life!

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