Just had a yummy, seedless watermelon for dinner! YUM YUM!
I used all my WW points today and had to find something that was filling, and I think that I found it. Could I eat something else? Of course! Am I hungry? No, not really. Why oh why do I just eat when I am not hungry?
At WW class last night they talked about emotional eating. Eating when you are bored falls into that category, and I think that is me. I just eat when I am bored. You would think with everything going on that I wouldn't get bored.
Or maybe its stress? With everything going on, maybe that is why I eat. Because it is something that I can easily control.
WHO KNOWS! I just want to be skinny again. At least be at a healthier weight. Like 150 lbs. That would be awesome!!
Today was an okay day at work. I wish a few things could have went differently, but I guess it how to go the way it did....
I didn't walk last night, and I am not walking tonight (or at least I don't think that I am going to). I have been working on getting the house cleaned up and getting party bags together.
Alexis is so excited that her friends may come over. I hope and pray they do (Say a little prayer for her that they do). She has a difficult time making friends due to Asbergers Syndrome, so her even wanting friends to come over in a step in the right direction.
Well, going to run and finish cleaning.
Have a great night all........
Friday, May 31, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Beans and cornbread
That's what was for dinner.

I tried to be good, but my mom makes the best pinto beans and cornbread. :-)
I didn't weight myself today, and I don't think that I am going to weigh myself until Thursday morning (Thursday night is weigh in). Cross your fingers and say a prayer that I am at least even-steven on the scales. I would love to have lost a lb. but I don't think that is going to be the case.
Just finished walking my mile, and I am sweaty and hot. Not sure how well I am going to do walking when the weather gets hotter and hotter. I am not big on sweating. lol I know that it is a necessary evil, but yuck!
Work went by fast today, but today is my busy day. I have conference calls out the ying yang. I am glad that it is Tuesday! Only 3 more days to go, then it is Alexis's birthday!
Well, going to run. Actually walk over to the bed and rest for a few.
Later y'all............
I tried to be good, but my mom makes the best pinto beans and cornbread. :-)
I didn't weight myself today, and I don't think that I am going to weigh myself until Thursday morning (Thursday night is weigh in). Cross your fingers and say a prayer that I am at least even-steven on the scales. I would love to have lost a lb. but I don't think that is going to be the case.
Just finished walking my mile, and I am sweaty and hot. Not sure how well I am going to do walking when the weather gets hotter and hotter. I am not big on sweating. lol I know that it is a necessary evil, but yuck!
Work went by fast today, but today is my busy day. I have conference calls out the ying yang. I am glad that it is Tuesday! Only 3 more days to go, then it is Alexis's birthday!
Well, going to run. Actually walk over to the bed and rest for a few.
Later y'all............
Monday, May 27, 2013
Getting back on track.
I have been back on track today with WW. Although I am up like 4 lbs. :-( I was excited about going to my meeting last week because I was down a lb, now I am up. I am not sure if I will go to the meeting now or not. I need to go for accountability sake, I know. But it is embarrassing to gain weight instead of losing. I just hate that.
I mean, no one knows except the Leader who is weighing me in. But it is still embarrassing. I feel like such a failure when I do this. Why can't I just learn and stop doing it? The binge eating, the countless points I inhale. Could all be stopped if I just stopped what I was doing and thought it out.
On a happier note, I walked again today. Lily and I walked that is. She is such good little company. Can't get Alexis to walk with me. She is too busy playing her video games.
Our pool is officially open! Beau got it all cleaned up and opened yesterday. So we can definitely have a pool party for Alexis's birthday this weekend.
Well, gotta get ready for a Mary Kay meeting. Will chat later. ...
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Mary Kay Consultant........
Well, it is official. I am a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant. So if you need some beauty products, please let me know. I will be starting my website soon. So you can order easily over the net.
I did walk a mile and a half yesterday, and a mile today. The walks are seemingly starting to feel easier, so that is awesome. Maybe I can build up to 2 miles a day! That would be awesome!
My eating has been off the hook! I have been eating everything placed NEAR me and have not been tracking, so not good. I am not expecting a loss this week. SAD FACE :(
Went to the cabin today with my family, and all had a good time. It is nice to just spend time with family and not worry about anything else.
Hope all is having a great Memorial Day weekend!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
It's my Friday...

It's my Friday! I took tomorrow off and I have Monday off, so I have a 4 day weekend. YIPPEEE!
Just got off work for the day. Beau and I have to go to Lexington for a doctors appointment. Need to run a few errands while we are up there. Get a gift card from Target or Babies-r-Us for a lady that I indirectly work with.
Just got back for Lexington. Got a gift card from Target. Got me a couple of tank tops, and 2 denim skirts (one gray and one jean). The doctor appt went well, and the day hasn't been as long as I thought it was going to be.
Stopped at Wendy's and ate too much as usual. Why can't I get my eating under control? I think that it must all be in my head!
Not walking tonight because it is too late. My legs are sore from jogging some yesterday.
It's my Friday! I took tomorrow off and I have Monday off, so I have a 4 day weekend. YIPPEEE!
Just got off work for the day. Beau and I have to go to Lexington for a doctors appointment. Need to run a few errands while we are up there. Get a gift card from Target or Babies-r-Us for a lady that I indirectly work with.
Just got back for Lexington. Got a gift card from Target. Got me a couple of tank tops, and 2 denim skirts (one gray and one jean). The doctor appt went well, and the day hasn't been as long as I thought it was going to be.
Stopped at Wendy's and ate too much as usual. Why can't I get my eating under control? I think that it must all be in my head!
Not walking tonight because it is too late. My legs are sore from jogging some yesterday.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Turkey, Ranch,& Bacon.....
Turkey, ranch and bacon sandwich from Arby's IS NOT my friend! 21 WW pts! That is almost the whole days worth, which I get 30! I am such a sucker for those sandwiches, and I had one for lunch today. So now, I don't have any points left for the day (and I haven't had dinner). I only have 7 extra points left for the week and we are supposed to go to Lexington tomorrow so I will probably go over my points for the week.BOO :-(
Just got back from my mile walk and I am sweaty as can be. It is only like 84 degrees outside, so I don't know what I am going to do when it gets hotter. I about didn't make it back this time. I jogged a couple of times during the walk. I didn't time myself I just looked ahead for a point and ran until I got to that point. Not sure if that's the right way to do it or not, but that is what I have been doing Why can't I just be a runner already? Was does it have to be hard for me? Why can't I be a natural born runner? I would SO love that!
Work actually went by quick today. YAY! I just don't want to be there lately. I think I have spring fever. It is so nice outside and the kids are getting ready for summer break. I just hate feeling like I miss all that time with them. I wish I could be a stay at home mom. But not possible with our finances.
That is one reason Mary Kay is looking more interesting. For that extra income. I am still praying about it, and hopefully God will give me an answer soon!
Well, gotta run get the kiddos!
Gotta keep moving....
Just got back from my mile walk and I am sweaty as can be. It is only like 84 degrees outside, so I don't know what I am going to do when it gets hotter. I about didn't make it back this time. I jogged a couple of times during the walk. I didn't time myself I just looked ahead for a point and ran until I got to that point. Not sure if that's the right way to do it or not, but that is what I have been doing Why can't I just be a runner already? Was does it have to be hard for me? Why can't I be a natural born runner? I would SO love that!
Work actually went by quick today. YAY! I just don't want to be there lately. I think I have spring fever. It is so nice outside and the kids are getting ready for summer break. I just hate feeling like I miss all that time with them. I wish I could be a stay at home mom. But not possible with our finances.
That is one reason Mary Kay is looking more interesting. For that extra income. I am still praying about it, and hopefully God will give me an answer soon!
Well, gotta run get the kiddos!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Binge eating........
I did good most of the day! I counted all my points, had a tomato and cucumber for veggies and fruits. Had a Smartone for breakfast, and a calzone for lunch. Which was a whopping 15 pts! Almost to meals but it was worth it.
My MIL gave me a flat of strawberries, so I will have strawberries tomorrow. YUMMY!
The problem: the binge at Wendy's that I had. :-( I had a Jr. bacon cheeseburger, 4 piece nuggets, and small chili. WTH! Isn't that alot for one person? Especially after my calzone? How, more WHY did I eat all that?
On my way home, my belly started gurgling and I barely made it home to the bathroom Which serves me right! I should never have had all that food. I wasn't even really hungry. I had to force the chili down. Why didn't I save it for tomorrow you ask? Again, who knows. :-(
So disgusted with myself....
On a better note, I had a nice evening last night at the Mary Kay banquet that Regina invited me too. It seems like a very good idea to sell the Mary Kay, but I just don't know if I have the time or the personality for it. I am praying about it, so we will see.
Well, I am going to head to bed. It has been a long day.
How I feel after Wendy's!
Nite nite.............
My MIL gave me a flat of strawberries, so I will have strawberries tomorrow. YUMMY!
The problem: the binge at Wendy's that I had. :-( I had a Jr. bacon cheeseburger, 4 piece nuggets, and small chili. WTH! Isn't that alot for one person? Especially after my calzone? How, more WHY did I eat all that?
On my way home, my belly started gurgling and I barely made it home to the bathroom Which serves me right! I should never have had all that food. I wasn't even really hungry. I had to force the chili down. Why didn't I save it for tomorrow you ask? Again, who knows. :-(
So disgusted with myself....
On a better note, I had a nice evening last night at the Mary Kay banquet that Regina invited me too. It seems like a very good idea to sell the Mary Kay, but I just don't know if I have the time or the personality for it. I am praying about it, so we will see.
Well, I am going to head to bed. It has been a long day.
Nite nite.............
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Yes, that is what I look like when I jog! lol I think that I am getting a little better at jogging, I jogged a little longer and a little further this morning when I went for my walk. I jogged more at the beginning and middle of the walk, and I could barely muster up the energy to jog at the end. It was a joke to be honest. It was jog, walk, jog, walk, walk, jog. Nothing to be proud of at the end. But I am proud that I did a little better at the beginning and middle. I may end up being a jogger yet.!
I had a Smartone's waffle and sausage for breakfast. It was 7 pts. I was going to have a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios but it was 10 pts. Gotta save those precious points! :-)
The weather has been kind of humid, so after my walk I feel nasty and need a shower immediately after. I dread that. The weather starting to make the walks sweaty. I liked the cooler weather where I felt nice and clean (mostly) after the walk.
I walked by myself today. Didn't ask or let the kiddos know that I was going. That may be mean but they just had me so nervous running around like crazy that I thought a car would hit them.
I didn't sleep well last night. I went to bed about 10:30 and was up at 12:00-1:00, then back up from 3:00-6:00. I hate when I do that. But I did get to sleep until 9ish so I got a little of the sleep back.
Well, not sure what the day holds beside laundry and cleaning. Guess I better get off of here and find out!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Walking with kids...
I had my mile walk today with Donovan, Bella, and Lily. It was almost nerve wrecking! I walk on the road beside my house, it is a side road, but of course there are still cars that come up and down it. The kids were going all crazy running up the road ahead of me, and I was afraid they were going to get hit by a car. So I worried the whole walk. Don't think that I will be taking them again on this road. Maybe to the track if/when I go back there.
I had a Smartone for breakfast which was 10 pts. No lunch cause I feel asleep. I overate dinner. I had 2 helpings of spaghetti which ended up being 21 points! That is CRAZY! I thought that it would be a little higher, but not 21 points! Won't be doing that again!
Today was definitely a lazy day. I don't think I have accomplished really anything! Oh well. I guess we all need those days every now and again.
Have a great night all!
Just some things I am thankful for. :-)
I had a Smartone for breakfast which was 10 pts. No lunch cause I feel asleep. I overate dinner. I had 2 helpings of spaghetti which ended up being 21 points! That is CRAZY! I thought that it would be a little higher, but not 21 points! Won't be doing that again!
Today was definitely a lazy day. I don't think I have accomplished really anything! Oh well. I guess we all need those days every now and again.
Have a great night all!
Friday, May 17, 2013
Mary Kay
I went to a Mary Kay debut party tonight with Regina and Sandy. It was nice just to get to hang out with the girls. I did order some foundation, powder, and foundation brush. I hope this foundation does better on my face than the Wal-Mart products. Having sebhorreic dermatitis sucks! My face being all red and blotching. Not to mention the flaky skin. GROSS! I hate it! :-(
I weighed myself this morning and weighed 198.2. SUCKS! Why can't I lose this stupid weight. It is like a freaking teeter-totter. Up and down, up and down. I just want it to go down and stay down. I would love to be about 150 lbs. I don't think that is asking for much!
I didn't get to go for my walk today because I went to the MK debut but I am definitely going to get my walk on tomorrow. I have got to lose that 1.2 lbs for WW next week. I am going to be so disappointed if I don't.
What I ordered from Mary Kay.
Today was a pretty laid back day at work. Just caught up on emails, wrote a few grievances had a few phone calls, the usual. I couldn't hardly wait for 3:30 to get there so I could get the heck outta there though!
Not sure what the plans for the weekend are yet. Maybe just lazing around the house.
Toodles (leave me some comments, I am feeling lonely! lol) :-)
I weighed myself this morning and weighed 198.2. SUCKS! Why can't I lose this stupid weight. It is like a freaking teeter-totter. Up and down, up and down. I just want it to go down and stay down. I would love to be about 150 lbs. I don't think that is asking for much!
I didn't get to go for my walk today because I went to the MK debut but I am definitely going to get my walk on tomorrow. I have got to lose that 1.2 lbs for WW next week. I am going to be so disappointed if I don't.
Today was a pretty laid back day at work. Just caught up on emails, wrote a few grievances had a few phone calls, the usual. I couldn't hardly wait for 3:30 to get there so I could get the heck outta there though!
Not sure what the plans for the weekend are yet. Maybe just lazing around the house.
Toodles (leave me some comments, I am feeling lonely! lol) :-)
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Hot and Sweaty,,,,,,,,,
And not in a good way.. lol Or is it?
Just finished my mile walk with Lily. She wanted to go with me this time, and it makes the walk more bearable to have someone to talk to (even if it is a 4 year old).
I haven't followed my WW points today, but I haven't ate very much, so I think that I am okay on points today. I need to go in and track what I ate and see where I am.
I had to work late, so I didn't get to go to WW weigh in. :-( I am thinking I would have been embarrassed anyway because I think (I am positive) that I gained this week. I have been an eating machine this week. I don't know what is wrong with me.
I so hope that I can do better on my WW points next week and actually have a loss. I am aiming for 1.2 lbs. I know I have previously said it (or I think I did), that will give me my first 5 lb. star!! WHOOP WHOOP!
Today went by pretty quick, which was kind of surprising since I had to work late.
Let's go get a WW dinner and get a shower. Then relax and watch some tv.
Toodle loo....................
Just finished my mile walk with Lily. She wanted to go with me this time, and it makes the walk more bearable to have someone to talk to (even if it is a 4 year old).
I haven't followed my WW points today, but I haven't ate very much, so I think that I am okay on points today. I need to go in and track what I ate and see where I am.
I had to work late, so I didn't get to go to WW weigh in. :-( I am thinking I would have been embarrassed anyway because I think (I am positive) that I gained this week. I have been an eating machine this week. I don't know what is wrong with me.
I so hope that I can do better on my WW points next week and actually have a loss. I am aiming for 1.2 lbs. I know I have previously said it (or I think I did), that will give me my first 5 lb. star!! WHOOP WHOOP!
Today went by pretty quick, which was kind of surprising since I had to work late.
Let's go get a WW dinner and get a shower. Then relax and watch some tv.
Toodle loo....................
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
WW points...
I get 31 daily WW points, and I have been eating like 40+. I am such a piggy. I am hoping that i will have a lose tomorrow, even if it is a small one. Because I don't want to go backwards on my weight loss. I don't know why I have been so hungry this week, but it is seriously like I can't get enough food.
OH! I bought WW candy that is low points. Smart move, right? Yeah it is if you eat them in moderation. I have been inhaling them. Not like one a day, more like 3-4. So how does that help me lose weight you ask? Exactly! It doesn't.
I did walk today, so that is at least a little productive Didn't walk yesterday, and I am not sure why other than pure laziness.
As you can tell, I am not happy with myself right now. I don't know why I sabotage myself like I do.
I was going to try to get back on track this week, but this week is seriously screwed. Hopefully Friday I can get back on track and eat better and exercise more next week!
Wish me luck!!!!!!!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Bad Sunday...
First off, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all you wonderful mothers out there!
Today has been a blah day. My eating has been crap, I have ate everything that I could get my hands on and have gone way over my WW points for the day. Actually my points for the week. :-( I can't believe that! What is wrong with me! Now I am going to ave to stick very closely to my 31 daily points and not go over at all if I want a loss this week. I am so hoping and praying for at least a 1.2 lb loss so that I can get a 5 lb star. :-)
Lily has been sick all weekend, bless her heart. She was throwing up all day yesterday, and she hasn't thrown up today but she is just laying around not moving, eating, and barely drinking. I am going to take her to the doctor tomorrow morning. I think that it is just her allergies acting up but I just hate her being sick.
Today has just been a blah day. But I am not going to complain too much. I am blessed and I am not going to forget it!
Talk to you all later!
Today has been a blah day. My eating has been crap, I have ate everything that I could get my hands on and have gone way over my WW points for the day. Actually my points for the week. :-( I can't believe that! What is wrong with me! Now I am going to ave to stick very closely to my 31 daily points and not go over at all if I want a loss this week. I am so hoping and praying for at least a 1.2 lb loss so that I can get a 5 lb star. :-)
Lily has been sick all weekend, bless her heart. She was throwing up all day yesterday, and she hasn't thrown up today but she is just laying around not moving, eating, and barely drinking. I am going to take her to the doctor tomorrow morning. I think that it is just her allergies acting up but I just hate her being sick.
Today has just been a blah day. But I am not going to complain too much. I am blessed and I am not going to forget it!
Talk to you all later!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Weigh in @ WW...
Tonight was weigh in night at Weight Watchers. I lost 3.8 lbs. WHOOP WHOOP! Was hoping for 5 lbs so I could get a 5 lb star, but maybe next week.
I did get a Bravo star for cutting my Pepsi down from 3-4 a day, to just 2 in the last week. Go me. Still got a star!!
I didn't get to walk today, but I will walk tomorrow. I will cause I have got to lose this weight!
Hope everyone is having a great night! It's almost Friday!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Pics of Me........
I had a Smartone for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. BUT I also had a banana split, which used up the rest of my weekly points plus/bonus points. Not sure what they are really called. lol
Tomorrow I have to be good and stick to my allotted 32 daily points. You would think that would be enough to fill me up, but I have just been so hungry lately. :-(
I did get my mile walk in today, so I feel better about that. I jogged a little bit at the end, and boy was I out of breath by the time I got to the house. But it felt good to jog. I just wish it was an overnight phenomenon and I was a runner tomorrow. Oh, how I want to be a runner!
I went to Regina's yesterday and she did a mini photo shoot for me. I want to really track my progress by pics, so I asked if she could do some photos. She did an excellent job! I am really happy with the pictures. I am adding a few for your viewing pleasure. :-) Let me know what you think about them...
Monday, May 6, 2013
Friend Makin Monday and Weight Watchers.......
Went over on my WW points again today. Thank goodness for the extra weekly points. I don't know why I have been so hungry. If I really am hungry, or it is just in my head. I think that it has to be in my head. I think that I am going to start drinking a big glass of water every time I think that I am hungry (and I shouldn't be).
Lily and I walked a mile today, so I did get in a little exercise. I jogged the last 20-30 seconds, so I am excited about that. I know that isn't a long distance for alot of people, but it is for me. If I can just start jogging a little longer each day...
Put some friend makin' information up. Feel free to leave me some comments. Would love to hear from you!

Lily and I walked a mile today, so I did get in a little exercise. I jogged the last 20-30 seconds, so I am excited about that. I know that isn't a long distance for alot of people, but it is for me. If I can just start jogging a little longer each day...
Put some friend makin' information up. Feel free to leave me some comments. Would love to hear from you!
Little About Me
1. Have you ever experienced love at first sight? With my babies. :-)
2. What channel is your TV on most? Cartoon channels (have 4 kids)
3. Share one quality that you're proud to have. I am loyal and dedicated to my family,friends, and work.
4. Describe your idea of a great evening. Spending the night and with the hubby and kids, watching movies, eating popcorn and candy, and everyone getting along! No bickering among the kids!
5. If your friends were asked to describe you in three words, which words would they choose? Honest, sincere, and funny????
6. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas, hands down.
7. If you could change one thing that would make your life easier instantly, what would it be? More time in the day and more energy to complete my tasks/chores.
8. What is one healthy food that you crave? Tomatoes and watermelon
9. Do you wear socks when you sleep? No, I can't handle having socks on while I sleep!
10. Share at least three things for which you are thankful. Having god in my life, my family, and the health of myself and my family.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
I have been starving all day! What the heck is up with that? I have ate all of my Weight Watchers points and had an apple, and water. But I still feel like I am starving. Or I did anyway. My hunger is finally staved off now.
The weather was nasty here today, rainy and in the 50's, so I didn't get any walking in.
Today was a pretty uneventful day. I just laid around most of the day and played on the tablet. Did a little bit of laundry.
The weather was nasty here today, rainy and in the 50's, so I didn't get any walking in.
Today was a pretty uneventful day. I just laid around most of the day and played on the tablet. Did a little bit of laundry.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Pinkilicious Party....
Today was one of our friends daughters birthday. The theme Pinkilicious pink party. It was a really nice party and the girls (Bella and Lily) had a great time. Alexis was just there for the pb & j sandwich and Donovan didn't want Abby's brother to be lonely. Pictures to follow....
I did eat a small plate of food but I tracked it all on my WW tracker so I am proud of that. i haven't had a Pepsi in two days so that is also a teeny tiny victory.
I am going to try to weigh myself on Thursday which is weigh in day with WW. Say a prayer that I lose a couple of pounds.
Although today was a rainy day, it still turned out pretty good!
Talk to you peeps tomorrow.

Lily eating her extra icing

Bella with her cupcakes she decorated

Lily decorating her cupcakes

Bella getting ready to hoola hoop

Lily posing
I did eat a small plate of food but I tracked it all on my WW tracker so I am proud of that. i haven't had a Pepsi in two days so that is also a teeny tiny victory.
I am going to try to weigh myself on Thursday which is weigh in day with WW. Say a prayer that I lose a couple of pounds.
Although today was a rainy day, it still turned out pretty good!
Talk to you peeps tomorrow.

Lily eating her extra icing

Bella with her cupcakes she decorated

Lily decorating her cupcakes

Bella getting ready to hoola hoop

Lily posing
Friday, May 3, 2013
Taco salad........
Well, I stuck to my Weight Watchers plan today and it wasn't as hard as I thought that it was going to be.
I had a Smartone for breakfast and lunch, and a taco salad from El Reys for dinner. I used 7 of my 49 weekly points to eat at El Reys but it was worth it!
I don't want to feel like I am depriving myself (looking at me you wouldn't think that). lol But I also want to stick as close to my daily points as possible without going over. If that makes sense.
I had a Mary Kay makeover last night, which was nice. The foundation is really cool and covers the redness from my sebhorric dermatitis, so I will definitely be ordering some of it.
I walked a mile today, and my legs were killing me. Not sure if it was the heat, I just didn't stretch well enough, or I just haven't been walking enough.
I am so glad that it is Friday! I am ready for a couple of days off (although I have to work for an hour and 15 minutes tomorrow-which won't be bad).
I know my thoughts are all over the place! Sorry!
Hope everyone has a great night!
I had a Smartone for breakfast and lunch, and a taco salad from El Reys for dinner. I used 7 of my 49 weekly points to eat at El Reys but it was worth it!
I don't want to feel like I am depriving myself (looking at me you wouldn't think that). lol But I also want to stick as close to my daily points as possible without going over. If that makes sense.
I had a Mary Kay makeover last night, which was nice. The foundation is really cool and covers the redness from my sebhorric dermatitis, so I will definitely be ordering some of it.
I walked a mile today, and my legs were killing me. Not sure if it was the heat, I just didn't stretch well enough, or I just haven't been walking enough.
I am so glad that it is Friday! I am ready for a couple of days off (although I have to work for an hour and 15 minutes tomorrow-which won't be bad).
I know my thoughts are all over the place! Sorry!
Hope everyone has a great night!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Weight Watchers Official Member............
I officially signed up for Weight Watchers (again). I did well the other two times (yes I said two times) that I signed up. But when I started doing well, I thought "Hey, I don't need this, I can do it all by myself". Wrong! Within a few months I would be back to my original weight, and then a little.
I am excited! The meetings are Thursday at 5:15 p.m. so I can go over right after work and be there a little early, or I can come home and change out of my uniform and go over.
This is a picture of me right before the Weight Watchers meeting, taken courtesy of my 5 year old Lily. This is the first time that I have work this dress.
When I weighed in at WW, my official weigh in was 201. :-(
Wish me luck on this new chapter of my life, I think that I am going to need it!!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Weigh in Wednesday............
Still weigh the same as last week, 197 whopping pounds. This is so discouraging. I say this after I just ate a no bake cookie, so who's fault is it really that I am this fat?
Tomorrow is the Weight Watchers meeting, so I will be attending it God willing. I am hoping that they can help hold me accountable and help me lose weight. I know that it is ultimately up to me, but I just need that extra support that I am not getting.
I have asked the Hubster if he will help me cook healthier (he's a chef) and he is being somewhat of a butt about it. Telling me he is not going to hold my hand through the process, etc. Whatever! Way to be supportive there buddy! Greatly appreciated.
So it looks like I am going to have to "woman up" and do this mostly on my own, which I hate the thoughts of that but in the end, we can only depend on ourselves I guess. I just hope that myself is ready for the challenge!
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