Still weigh the same as last week, 197 whopping pounds. This is so discouraging. I say this after I just ate a no bake cookie, so who's fault is it really that I am this fat?
Tomorrow is the Weight Watchers meeting, so I will be attending it God willing. I am hoping that they can help hold me accountable and help me lose weight. I know that it is ultimately up to me, but I just need that extra support that I am not getting.
I have asked the Hubster if he will help me cook healthier (he's a chef) and he is being somewhat of a butt about it. Telling me he is not going to hold my hand through the process, etc. Whatever! Way to be supportive there buddy! Greatly appreciated.
So it looks like I am going to have to "woman up" and do this mostly on my own, which I hate the thoughts of that but in the end, we can only depend on ourselves I guess. I just hope that myself is ready for the challenge!
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