Thursday, April 18, 2013

Banana split.........

I just had a banana split and it was DELICIOUS!  Should I have had it, no-definitely not.  But the girls wanted ice cream and I just couldn't resist.  No willpower, remember!  :-(

My eating was way off track today.  So far off track that I am not even going to write down what I ate.  It was that bad.  I bet I have gained a couple of pounds the last couple of days, and it is all MY fault.  This sucks.  I should be more focused.

I just don't know what is wrong with me.  I can't seem to lose any weight anymore.  I am just stuck in a funk and I am not sure what it is going to take to get me out of it.

I had to drive to Oak Ridge (about an hour and forty five minutes from here) today for a mandatory OWCP appointment. It went better than I expected, and I am hoping that the results will be sufficient for DOL.  The Dr. was a hoot.

I still have an issue going on at work, and I should hopefully be done with it tomorrow, so keep those prayers coming my way.  They are greatly appreciated!

Alexis and I have a therapy appointment this evening, so no walking on my schedule for the day.  I would like to get my mile in but that just isn't going to happen.  We probably won't be home until at least 10:00 tonight.  UGH!  I hate long days like today.  But the appointments are needed, so suck it up buttercup!

I found out today that there is a 5K walk in my county next month (May 11th) so I am hoping that I will be able to participate in that. I just need to get my distance up.

Well, I better get off of here and start getting everyone ready to go.


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