Mom and I bought had a dermatologist appointment this morning, so I took the day off so that we could go and just hang out. I have Seborrhoeic dermatitis. (Typically, seborrheic dermatitis presents with scaly, flaky, itchy, and red skin.) My face (around my nose, my nose, my forehead and my eye brows get super red and flaky). :-( It is very embarrassing when the break outs occur. But now that I have a medicated lotion, I have not been having the break outs, so I hope that the meds will keep it under control.
Mom had to have a biopsy on a place that she has on her face, and we will have to wait 4-6 weeks for the results to come back. Keep her in your prayers that there is nothing there to report on...
Today is my tenth day of the juice fast. I have lost 6/7 lbs. It was 7 lbs yesterday, 6 lbs today. So not bad for nine days. I had Chinese for lunch and within 5 minutes I was in the bathroom having to poo. But it is fine now. I guess it is just where my body was not use to solid food, that it decided to move it on out. lol
I think that I am going to keep juicing for breakfast and lunch, and have a small healthy dinner for the next week or so and see if I lose anymore weight. If I do, then I will probably fast indefinitely if I keep seeing results. Now that Beau and I have the recipes down (and the juices actually taste good-yes I said good), I don't mind drinking them.
I jogged a little today. When I say little, I mean about 5 times up and down my neighbors driveway while Lily was riding her bike. We were racing and of course she won every time, that little booger. We both had a good time. I am so hoping that I can be a runner one day. I don't want to be the fastest, I just want to be able to do it.

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