Thursday, April 11, 2013

I am such a loser...

I am such a loser.  I did NOT eat well today.  Actually far from it.  I had a chili dog, french fries, and coleslaw for lunch.  I truly enjoyed it, it was yummy, but so not on the list of healthy foods.  Well, I guess the coleslaw could be considered a little healthy?  Yeah, not really.  That's what I thought too.

I also didn't walk today.  I was going to (yeah say that all the time) but I just didn't feel like it.  Then I started playing on Facebook and Runsforcookies (  and time just got away from me.  It is raining and storming now, so now is not an option.

I wish that I was more computer literate and I would link up to other peoples blogs.  I have seen people do it, so I know that it is possible, just no idea how to do it.  YET!  Hopefully I can figure it out.  

I signed up for a postcard exchange today.  I think that will be pretty cool.  Exchanging postcards with people from all over the world.  My first postcard is going to a lady named Kate in Russia.  I just need to get her a postcard.  I am thinking about going to Cumberland Falls tomorrow and picking up a few.

I need to find more things to do in my life (besides housework and work).  I want to become more active with my kids and my life.  We only have one life to live, and I need, WANT, to make the most of mine.

I think my new closing is going to be toodles.  So toodles!!!  :-)

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